First Solo Exhibition
25 - 30 November 2021
This exhibition is the first public showcase of local artist Kacey Ko’s new series of paintings titled, “Oasis”. Disheartened by her observations of lonely urbanites at the height of the pandemic, she devoted herself to creating “Oasis” since January, in the hopes of bringing to life a fantastical world that instils colour, energy and compassion to those around her. This exhibition also features oil paintings shortlisted for the upcoming Salon Des Beaux Arts 2021, organised by Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts (National Society of Fine Arts) in France. In partnership with Multiply, a Hong Kong based Art Tech startup, this exhibition incorporates interactive elements, which enable visitors to recreate each art piece on a tablet with the touch of their fingertips. Supported by a team of art enthusiasts without formal training in arts, this exhibition relied on their collective drive and passion for art to navigate the entire curation process.
The Exhibition attracted over 400 visitors over the course of 6 days and featured mini sharing sessions with fellow art lovers and experienced members of the art community. It attracted major press coverage. Special thanks to Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) who have been a supportive partner throughout.
是次展覽首度公開展出本地素人藝術家高嘉莉的最新油畫作品系列「願.圓融」。她自1月埋首創作「願.圓融」,描繪內心的綠洲。疫情下,高嘉莉體會都市人營營役役的孤獨日常。在這抑鬱的氣候中,藝術家特別以雲彩配合風景為題材, 以超越想像的色彩運用,釋放繃緊的心,表達對無爭無礙的嚮往,亦祈盼藉著這次展覽,啟發觀賞者多觀照內心。在無法隨心出走的日子,也可心無掛礙,行無所礙。系列其中兩幅畫作剛入圍今年法國國家美術學會 (Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts) 舉辦的第160屆法國國際沙龍藝術展 (Salon Des Beaux Arts) 。 藝術家夥拍藝術科技初創 Multiply,結合互動科技元素,讓觀眾能夠透過平板電腦,化身藝術家,重新演繹每張作品。展覽背後的團隊,其實由一班熱愛藝術的素人組成。他們縱然沒有正式的藝術訓練,但憑著對藝術的熱情,發揮團隊精神,共同協助展覽活動!